Website Marketing Mistakes Smart People Make
You have invested your time and money into putting up your website . Your prospective customers are out there, somewhere, and you want to make them aware of your site, what you offer and why they would want to visit. You have some marketing ideas, but you don't want to waste money. How can you avoid mistakes other smart website owners make? By reading this article, of course. I'm going to outline several tactics that DON'T work. By the end of this article, you'll save time and money (not to mention avoiding throat-clinching disappointment and frustration) by skipping these Bad Ideas. Bad Idea #1 - Let's get more traffic to get more sales. Seems reasonable at first glance. But it's not always the best course to take. How well does your site sell now? What's the sales conversion rate of your website? If your website is inefficient at converting 100 visitors into customers, it will be inefficient at converting 20000 visitors into customers. For instance, I ma...