3 Deadly Search Engine Marketing Sins
My inbox this week provided glaring examples of three all too common rookie search engine marketing mistakes. What you could call three deadly search engine marketing sins. Starting with ===> Inadequate Keyword Research Hey! If you�re going to spend hours developing a web site, isn�t it smart to invest some time to insure you�re focusing on the most traffic laden keywords? Especially when typically the plural form of a keyword phrase generates way more traffic than the singular form. For example "dog dishes" rather than "dog dish". Yet just this week I was asked to look at a site that had focused on the singular form. Evidently the owner hadn�t bothered to do any digging to make sure that was their best keyword move. Look, you�ll never know for sure unless you research it. Besides, you can access Wordtracker, the tool of choice for what? a measly $7 a day. Even better here�s a quick and dirty way to get the most out of that day. Search for your target keyword in...