
Showing posts from June 27, 2008

Marketing on a Budget

How to start your Internet Marketing Business for free or very low cost. Running on a Budget. By Stuart Reid You can start your web business with nothing. You don't neccesarily need ANY capital to start up. Here's some tips: * You can get FREE URL's from many places. Some will give you a subdomain, but you can also get a `proper` site address as well. Don't bother with addresses such as but use something like - is a good place to get one, but also try the classic webhosting sites such as geocities or tripod. The only problem there is you get advertising on your site - which you should really try to avoid. There are banner-free freesites out there. If you look hard enough you can even get your own domain, DNS, webserver, mail server and more for FREE but this is for advanced computer users only. If you have a long domain name you can get free redirection servers such as or et...

Internet Marketing: A Journey Of Discovery

A summary of the journey we take from beginner to experienced internet marketer Internet marketing is an intense experience It's like living your whole life over again in a few short months or years. Read this article and decide which step you are currently at. This may give you an idea of what to expect as you progress in your internet adventure: Step 1: Babyhood! You start off your internet marketing career as a brand new baby, with no idea of how the whole system works. You just follow obediently what others tell you to do, think and say, and you get to know the basics of how the whole system works. Step 2: "Know-it-all" Teenage Years Then you become a "teenager", and have just enough knowledge to be dangerous to yourself and others! You go out, gung-ho, spending lots of money and telling everyone what they should be doing. In fact, you probably don't make much money in this phase because you really don't know what you are doing and you eventually fi...