
Showing posts from July 12, 2008

7 Biggest Mistakes People Make When Doing Keyword Research Mistake Number Two

This lesson often comes as a surprise to many readers.   Mistake Number Two: Not taking advantage of correctly targeted keywords . "You Simply Must Have Massive Lists of Well-Targeted Keywords!" Question: In the headline above, which word is more important to your online success, "massive" or "targeted"? (Answer later in the article). There's an old axiom that every offline sales professional has probably heard more than once. It goes something like: "If you throw enough pasta against the refrigerator door, some of it's going to stick". That's the way to begin the quest for your keyword lists. Get enough of them, learn to use them effectively and you'll find some that work. You'll find that others do not work so well for you. And then you'll occasionally stumble across what seems to be the next Holy Grail; a keyword that is both relatively inexpensive (if you're paying for that keyword through Google AdWords or another...