Inventing Your Own Marketing Niche
There are 2 basic steps you need to do, when you invent your marketing niche. First, discover a market that is niche and 'uncharted'. Second, invent or explore the right product to feed your market. By 'uncharted', I means it has not been saturated with competitors. 1.How to Find the Right Market that is Niched and 'uncharted'? The first thing to do internet marketing is not to sell first but to do your own research first? Don't just go blindly into selling something! It's better to sell something that the customers want than they need! You need to find the hole in the market that you can fill in. This hole is actually the market gap and could be your "money holes" that can generate top profits. Find out what is the latest trend or buzz that is currently generating alot of traffic or having a hot craze. Good place to look for is go to and . Search for the keywords that generate huge search hits. Find out f...