Search Engine Keywords - What Do People Search For?
Do you ever wonder how people search for things on the Internet? What if you knew exactly what words they typed when using a search engine ? If you're marketing a product or service it's extremely insightful to know what are the most popular search terms relating to whatever you're marketing. The Overture Company is a Yahoo! company that supplies the Pay Per Click infrastructure for Yahoo! and other websites on the Internet. If you do a search on Yahoo! you'll see anywhere from 1-3 paid promotions appear at the top of the search page and then others at the end. These are paid advertiser listings and they come from Overture. The Overture Search Tool In order to maximize the number of clicks on their network, Overture supplies a keyword tool so that their customers know which are the most popular keywords relating to their product of service. This way when an Overture customer selects keywords to advertise on, they can pick the ones that are most popular or t...