Niche Blogs and WHY They Make Such An Excellent Affiliate Marketing Tool
p>Blogs or more specifically... Niche Blogs are simply blogs that are topic focused and target a specific market and/or niche. More importantly though, these blogs contain targeted information that their target market is searching for. This is KEY. As an affiliate marketer we are always told that information, whether its an article, review, ebook, ecourse, report, mp3 or pod cast, is a key Pre-Selling tool before your potential customer decides to buy what it is that your offering. This is where Niche Blogs come into play because of there many capabilities and functions. The biggest advantage Blogs have is they give you the ability to syndicate your content and/or information through a technology called RSS(Real Simple Syndication). The types of content you are able to syndicate are as follows: - Articles - Product Reviews - eBooks - eCourses - Special Reports - Mp3 Files - Steaming Video(A.K.A Pod Casting) Are you starting to see the advantages to blogs or more importantly, having ...