
Showing posts from September 10, 2008

How To Find A Profitable Targeted Niche

If you know how there is Money to be made in writing Ebooks and publishing them Online. Browse our articles and decide how you will go about it. Will You have a go at Self Publishing, or look for a Book Publishing Company! If You are looking at writing a ebook and publishing it online but don't know what to write then here is an idea to get you started: Go to your local bookstore or and look at the magazine rack. Find out what people are buying. Look at a targeted niche. Look at what people are subscibing to. What are the big advertisements. Companies don't spend money on advertising unless there is a return. Look at the letters to the editor and look for a problem. It is also good to get Back Issue's so you get a good overview of the market. Here is an example so you get a better idea: You choose your niche topic "Fishing" for example. You get five different fishing magazines and go to the secondhand bookstore and dig up some back issues, Doesn't h...