How to attract advertisers for your site
How to attract advertisers for your site Build a site with plenty of content Firstly it's pretty obvious that you need to build a site with plenty of content. You'll also need to have a targeted audience in mind from the outset. My site was aimed at the beginner to intermediate ASP developer. Promote the site You'll need to promote the site in search engines, directories and exchange links with other similar sites and build up the site's reputation. Look for similar sites on a related subject and advertisers To source advertisers look for those who are currently running ad campaigns on sites related to your topic. This way you know what companies will be receptive to your inquiry. Make a list of all the companies that you intend to contact. It's a good idea to also make a note of those companies that you do contact for future reference. You can note the date and whether you received a response amongst other things. Contact advertisers ' send an introductory email Contact those advertisers on the list either by email or phone.
By Michael.