Can you boost your web site traffic today?

Can you boost your web site traffic today? And I don’t mean necessarily by PPC (pay per click) which can be expensive. Here are some ideas and things you can do for little or no cost and get people visiting your site within a few hours.

Blogging - blogging is a great way to boost traffic to your site. Michael Cheney taught me how to set up a blog properly to get traffic. If you don’t already have a blog I recommend you set one up under its own domain name (with relevant keywords in it) and then install wordpress. You can set it up to automatically to send a ping to blog directories and blog sites. There are plenty of them you can find them by doing a search on Google or if you would like more traffic boosting knowledge then from one of Michael’s products.

Forum posting - there is a forum out there for most subjects and you can usually join for free. To find them just search on Google for your keyword plus the word forum. You can’t blatantly promote in your forum post but if you write sensible posts, offer help and advice you are likely to get people check out your site and this can happen for free on the same day.

Writing articles - some of the article directories review your article before they post it to ensure quality and some don’t, and that means you can get an article with a link to your web site showing within a few hours. Other people pick up on them and use them for content on their own sites and all the time your link is in the author bio box pointing to your site.

Digg it - Digg is a great site with high page rank and high traffic. Boost your own traffic today by placing links to all of your website pages. If you don’t have a web site then set up a free blog and point traffic there.

Email your list - what? You don’t have a list yet? Surprisingly lot’s of people on the web haven’t built up there own email list. If you haven’t already done so I can send you some more info. Just visit my blog. The good thing about a list is you can preset a series of messages to offer them, and you can send out an email broadcast at any time telling them to visit your site for the latest special offer or piece of advice - voila - instant boost to web traffic.

Engage in a joint Venture - you can’t always do it in one day, although with the right contacts you can. If you receive a newsletter from another website in your area of expertise then why not see if you can offer something of interest to them and their readers. Free reports are good or something where the list owner can make a commission on any sales. A good tip is to make sure you collect email addresses as well to build your own list at the same time.

About the Author:

Paul Turner

Before spend any money on a course on increasing web traffic get the traffic facts at my blog,


Wei Liang said…
Blog is a good platform to interact with your readers as well as providing them with tips on your niche.

Wei Liang

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