Designing a quality information site requires quality keyword research

It's impossible to ignore the importance of keyword research in the design stages of your website. A quality information site must cover the information that people want to read, and for that, you need to know what they type in at the search engines.
The main pages of your website should offer information covering the main topics of your chosen niche. You can always add more articles to cover the less requested information later, and link to these from existing pages and the sitemap.

It is standard practise to create a menu that appears on all pages of a site, with this menu linking to the main page. For that reason, you need to narrow your list of "main page" phrases down to 6 - 10. Too many phrases and your site starts to look spammy.

Fortunately, deciding on which keywords encompass the entire niche is relatively easy if you have done your keyword research.

Let's take an example.

I went to Wordtracker and researched "blood pressure". My research found 1401 phrases related to blood pressure.

I imported my results into Keyword Results Analyzer (from so I could find the best phrases for my main pages. To do this, I simply ordered the phrases by Count, with the highest values first. Here are the top few entries:

high blood pressure
blood pressure
low blood pressure
blood pressure monitor
normal blood pressure
lower blood pressure
blood pressure monitors
Normal Blood Pressure
High Blood Pressure
high blood pressure symptoms
blood pressure chart
Low Blood Pressure
digital blood pressure monitors
blood pressure cuff
blood pressure medication
blood pressure log

The next stage is to go through this list and remove any phrases that are very similar (or mean the same thing) as a preceding phrase. Here is my revised list, which I have reordered into a more logic order:

high blood pressure
low blood pressure
normal blood pressure
lower blood pressure
blood pressure monitor
high blood pressure symptoms
blood pressure chart
blood pressure medication
blood pressure log

That's 9 of the most searched for phrases on blood pressure which pretty much encompass what people are actually looking for. These phrases are a great basis for the main pages of my site.

For each of these main pages, I would use the main phrase, plus several other highly related words or phrases to build the theme of my page.

Finding the secondary phrases to use is relatively easy too.

Let's look at an example.

"lower blood pressure" is a main page phrase. If I filter all phrases that contain the word "lower" (I can ignore the keywords blood and pressure since all of my phrases are related to that already).

Keyword Results Analyzer (KRA) gives me a list of 81 related phrases. If I reduce that to the top 20 (the most popular search terms), I get:

lower blood pressure
lower high blood pressure
lowering blood pressure
lower cholesterol blood pressure naturally
how to lower blood pressure
lower blood pressure naturally
natural ways to lower blood pressure
lowering your blood pressure
foods that lower blood pressure
ways to lower blood pressure
herbs lower blood pressure
lowering high blood pressure
natural way to lower high blood pressure
ASCOT trial blood pressure lowering arm
lower your blood pressure
home remedies to lower blood pressure
foods to lower blood pressure
how to lower blood pressure naturally
lower high blood pressure naturally
diet to lower blood pressure

KRA also gives me a list of unique words that make up these phrases. Here they are:

Unique Keywords:


A page that includes most of these words on the page, plus the main phrase "lower blood pressure" would certainly be seen as a themed page about lowering blood pressure by the engines, since the page would contain all of the words most commonly found in keyword searches about that topic.

We can even use our keyword research to help us find a title or meta description tag for our page. Find all of the phrases that are questions, and use one of those! What better title than one used by a searcher who is looking for answers?

In KRA, this filtering is easy, and here are the options I have.

how to lower blood pressure
how to lower high blood pressure
how to lower blood pressure naturally
how to lower blood pressure - resperate
how to lower blood pressure without medication
what's the fastest way to lower blood pressure
how to lower blood pressure fast
how to lower blood pressure and cholesterol naturally

One final example on finding secondary keywords to theme your page. Look at this main phrase:

"high blood pressure symptoms"

If we remove the blood pressure part of this phrase, we are left with "high symptoms". Obviously we cannot just search our keywords for "high symptoms" as most phrases will not contain those words as an exact phrase in that order. We need to search for phrases that contain "high" AND "symptoms". KRA makes this easy. Here are the secondary phrases I could use:

high blood pressure symptoms
symptoms of high blood pressure
symptoms high blood pressure
medical symptoms for high blood pressure
what are the symptoms of high blood pressure
high blood pressure headaches symptoms
high blood pressure+symptoms
high blood pressure symptoms and side effects
what is symptoms of high blood pressure
signs and symptoms of high blood pressure
physical symptoms of high blood pressure
high blood pressure symptoms of
signs symptoms of high blood pressure
high blood pressure symptoms and cures
symptoms of high blood pressure in pregnancy

and the uniques that make up those phrases:

And the title?

What are the symptoms of high blood pressure?
What is symptoms of high blood pressure?

Good site design relies on good keyword research, and using the right tools to manipulate those keywords.

Have fun!

About The Author:

You can get a free Wordtracker Tutorial showing how the author carries out his own keyword research just by subscribing to his free weekly newsletter (


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