How To Choose A Topic For Your Members Only, Membership Website

There are several things you must do to set up your membership website. However, none is more important than selecting your topic. Why? Selecting the right topic will determine your success or failure. Choose an interesting topic, and your membership website is almost guaranteed success. Choose the wrong topic, however, and your site will fail miserably.

Need help choosing a topic for your membership website? Read on.

Membership Websites: Choose A Topic Centered Around YOUR Expertise Everyone�s an expert these days. Where there used to be a lawyer on every block, there�s now an expert, sometimes two or three.

But what does that have to do with you?

Everything. Think about it. You�re an expert, too! Don�t believe me? Let�s just see. Say you�ve been interested in Hot Wheel cars, since you were a kid, and you know every fact about them�where they were made, when each model was created and all about the founders, etc.

Would that not count as Hot Wheel Cars expertise? Yes, of course, it would. See my point?

Look at all areas of your life�especially your interests and hobbies�and discover where your expertise lies. Your hidden expertise may be found in your:

� Career/Work
� Hobbies
� Interests
� Culture
� Religion
� Community Service
� Lifestyle

Consider the above, and you�ll discover just how valuable�and profitable�your newfound expertise is.

Membership Websites: Choose A Topic You Like
Think about the last time you spent time doing something you really enjoyed. I�ll bet time just flew by.

Since you�ll be spending a considerable amount of time on your membership website, choose a topic you really enjoy. That way, it won�t feel like work.

There�s another reason for choosing a topic you really enjoy�you already have a potential member base!

Let�s say you�re a member of a Creole cooking club with 25 members, for instance. If you decided to start a Creole cooking membership website, you already have 25 potential members!

See how important it is to pick something you like?

Membership Websites: Choose A Topic That Has An Audience
The next thing you want to do is make sure that the topic has an audience. There�s no point in creating a membership website that no one will join.

How do you ensure that you have a membership website that people will join? First, select a topic that has broad appeal but can be narrowed down into a niche or subniche.

For example, instead of a computer website, focus your content on laptop computers. Or, instead of ladies� fashions, select plus-size fashions for short women or vintage fashions.


The information on your membership website has to be so specialized that it�s worth paying for. Since there�s plenty of information on computers, why should someone pay you to access information they can easily get for free anywhere Internet?

Remember though, the more specialized the topic, the higher the membership fees, since the information will be really hard to find anywhere else, making it worth paying for.

Find the perfect balance and don�t micro-niche yourself out of members. Though you want to create a niche site, you don�t want it to be so obscure that you only get two paying members�your mom and a friend.

The goal is to generate income, so keep it broad enough to attract people and niched enough to get subscribers.

Since choosing a topic for your membership website is one of the most important decisions you will make, take your time, evaluate your interests and do some research. Once your research is done and you have your hot topic, then you can start building your Membership Website or use a professional to help you. Some company offer very low costs for their services and monthly cost for hosting. So get started now and reach financial freedom!

Want more information on membership websites? You can receive a FREE mini course by email with more helpful information. Just to

Ron Ruiz is a product developer, marketer and newsletter publisher. He has extensive experience in all aspects of starting and running a membership/subscription/coaching website. His own membership website has been operating for several years and has members from over 26 countries. He has also developed his own all in one membership software system called Memberstar� which makes it easy to set up and run a members only site.


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