Create a Search Engine Toolbar for Your Web Site

The trend started with Google releasing their toolbar for Internet Explorer. It changed the way we searched by making the search engine available from inside the browser with no need for the user to go to the particular website.

And now, Yahoo!, Microsoft, AOL� Every big corporation running a search engine has their own toolbar. So much so that if I turn all the toolbars installed on my particular browser, there would be little space left for browsing space!

So, how do you as a web publisher (or a content provider) reach out to your clientele? Get them to install a search toolbar that is custom made to suit your website. I found some companies selling tools to make customized toolbars, but the one I am discussing today provides the service for free and integrates custom search results for YOUR SITE.

Effective Brand has a complete web-based toolbar generator. Moreover, they host the toolbar for you on their website with a custom page dedicated to it. The initial toolbar generator is a 4-step procedure where user gets to pick up a logo, a search string, custom buttons, and basic toolbar details. And the system generates the toolbar and the custom page.

What is the best thing about this toolbar generator? The ability to make changes without worrying about client end version. Whenever a user opens the browser, the toolbar is updated with the latest settings and updates from the server. Thus, one time installation is required on the client side. And with "recommended site" results integrated in the toolbar, it acts more as a search companion and not just like a static toolbar hogging valuable browser window space.

Another nice feature of this toolbar maker is an optional RSS aggregator. You can specify the RSS feed link and update interval. And that feed is updated on the toolbar with links to the latest posts! Another great way to market your site. Another implementation of this RSS aggregator is news alert using which you can deliver messages to the clients using the toolbar from the Effective Brand Backend.

The toolbar offer great flexibility with custom buttons and ability to move individual components of the toolbar at desired locations. The toolbar I created for BlogSearchEngine can be accessed from here. Some other sites using the toolbar are mentioned on the Recent Toolbar Page.

Custom IE Toolbars from Effective Brand

So, what is the catch?

Well, the toolbar is Internet Explorer only. And the company places some promotional links on the toolbar menus. Other than that, it is a good deal considering it costs nothing and can enhance your site's search traffic, brand your site on the browser of your users, and bring users back again and again.

About the Author

Loren Baker is the owner of the Blog Search Engine, a search engine for blogs entries and moblogs pics.


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