3 Things That Are Important To Do In Online Marketing Even When You Really Goof Up That You Should Know!

Online marketing is not as easy as it is sometimes made out to
be. There are many things as an online marketer that you must do
even when you really goof up BIG!

1. Make sure you try, try and TRY again.

One of the main reasons I believe that most people fail in

marketing is because when they really goof up they are afraid
to try again.

Take this example. This morning I was trying out a great new
tool. It really is fantastic and it would have worked great if
I hadn't been in such a hurry to see the end result.

In my haste to see the finished product I inadvertently hit the
create button way to soon and ended up submitting and
unfinished, non punctuated, mis-spelled article that made
absolutely no sense to, I have no idea how many publishers,
with my name all over it.

They know who they are and I hope with all sincerity that they
will laugh when they read this and forgive my unintentional
waste of their valuable time.

2. Learn the lesson and go on.

It is important especially in online marketing to learn the
lesson and go on. Because when you make a big goof you feel as
if everyone is watching to see if you will give up or go on. By
going on you are admitting that you are human and you make

Some would say that it is fatal to your business to let your
human side show. But I say it is important to let people see
that there is a real person on the other side of their computer
connections. Mistakes included.

3. Turn your goof into a opportunity

Sometimes when we goof big we spend a lot of time kicking
ourselves for messing up. STOP IT!

Instead try turning your goof into an opportunity to prove that
you can do better. Prove that even though you mess up you are
completely capable of achieving the task at hand.

So, I guess what I am trying to say is with each goof made there
is lesson learned.
What you do with that lesson is up to you.

My suggestion is that you try, try and then try again.

Lisa M. Cope - an Online Marketer that isn't afraid to admit she
goofs up!

"With my goof in mind and my big lesson learned I will continue
to try and try until one day I get it right".

Copyright 2002 Lisa Cope. Please feel free to pass this article
on to your friends, or use it in your ezine or newsletter. It's
a shareware article.

About the Author

Lisa M. Cope - an Online Marketer that isn't afraid to admit she
goofs up!

"With my goof in mind and my big lesson learned I will continue
to try and try until one day I get it right".


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