10 More Ways to Increase Your Traffic

Wouldn?t it be great to boost your website traffic
and earn more income? Here are some quick tips
to bring more visitors your way ? and increase
sales opportunities

1. Give away an eBook as a gift to your current
customers as a way of letting them know you
appreciate their business. Place some ads inside
the eBook for products or services you're offering.

2. Get free advertising by submitting your eBook
to freebie and freeware/shareware web sites. This
will increase the number of people who will down-
load your eBook and see your ads.

3. LEARN and EARN. Make money by selling your
own eBooks. Learn from and sell eBooks written by
others, branded by YOU. Join an inexpensive
wholesale program already in place for this ? get new
eBooks to LEARN from and EARN from each month
at http://presssuccess.com/wholesale

4. Hold a contest on your web site so that people
can win one of your eBooks or an eBook package.
Submit a contest ad to no-cost contest or sweepstakes

5. You can gain valuable referrals from people
telling others about your eBooks. And word of
mouth advertising can be very effective.

6. Make money cross promoting your eBooks
with other people's products or services. This
technique can double your marketing effort with-
out spending more time and money on your part.
Set up an affiliate program so that other people
can help you sell them and earn money in the process
by signing up at a place like ProfitAuto at

7. Increase your e-zine subscribers by giving
away an eBook or two to people who subscribe to
your e-zine. This will give people an incentive to
subscribe. Allow your e-zine subscribers to also
give it away to multiply your subscribers.

8. Give away an eBook to people who join your
affiliate program. This will increase the number of
people who sign-up. You could also create an
eBook for them to use that will help them promote
your product or service.

9. Give away an eBook in exchange for people
leaving their contact information. This will help you
follow-up with the prospects who buy your main
products or services.

10. Offer a free eBook that contains a couple
of sample chapters. If they like it, give them the
option of ordering the full version. It would work
just like a software demo or shareware.

So take action! Choose one or more of the tips
above now, save the rest for the months ahead.
To help with your eBook writing, ghostwriting or
operations, take a virtual tour today of
http://movingaheadcommunications.com and
help yourself to a 30-Day Trial of autoresponders,
online forms, shopping cart set up, merchant
account, digital secure delivery and much more at
http://presssuccess.com/AutoPilot . Enjoy!


For our last 10 tips, click here:

About the Author

By Diana Barnum, president of
http://movingaheadcommunications.com and CEO of
http://ohiohelp.net . For more help with marketing, public
relations and writing, email mailto:diana@ohiohelp.net
or call: (614) 529-9459.


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