Writing for the Web

Typically, visitors scan content on the Web instead of reading it. Keep your information as clear and concise as possible.

  • Use summary descriptions, subheads, bulleted lists and short paragraphs.

  • Use keywords you’ve selected for your search marketing campaign in your web page content, so the pages will appear in an organic search.

  • Put your key message first.

  • Include one idea per paragraph. Highlight keywords.

  • Make your points on each page clearly but quickly, using as few words as possible.

  • Don’t provide a PDF for online viewing. Convert everything to HTML if possible.

  • Design printable versions of pages.

  • Use a standard one-column format for easy reading.

  • Use high contrast for easily legible text. A familiar example is black text on white background.

  • High-quality graphics, good writing, and use of outbound hypertext links increase credibility.


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