Follow these editorial guidelines

By following these editorial guidelines, you will see a better return on your investment and the users will also see better results. Users will find accurately what they’re in search of fast and simply. And you’ll get a great number of traffic to your site that is targeted and dynamically seeking a specific product, service or piece of information.

These guidelines support these high standards so that It can deliver most excellent potential leads to you—the ones that are almost certainly to exchange and offer a return on your advertising investment.

Write titles and descriptions that are clear, brief and truthful.

Users are more likely to click on an ad with a factual title and description than a promotion ad.

Avoid publicity stunt language, uncommon abbreviations and unnecessary symbols.

These devices often injure an ad’s integrity.

Use correct spelling, punctuation and grammar.

The more appropriate and professional your ads are, the more likely searchers are to click through to your site. Using title case (capitalizing the first letter) for your titles adds prominence to your title, and using sentence case makes your description easier to read.

Include your keywords in your ads

Research indicates that the supposed quality is higher in ads where the keyword is integrated in the title and description. And customers give those ads a higher rating as probability to click. You can use the insert keyword feature to dynamically insert your keywords into your title and/or description when you create or modify ads.

Promote your competitive advantage.

Some of the best-performing ads use promotional language that is competitive relative to other ads with the same keyword.

Use a call-to-action in your ad.

Straightforward language can help drive your customers to act, and lets your audience know what action to take.


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